Aspirations document series including landcare, tourism and education


This collection of information has been prepared with Buluwai Traditional Owner Willie Brim (Katjiraka/Taipan Clan) as an interpretation of his aspirations for Buluwai Country.  Willie Brim has extensive knowledge of FNQ tourism and education sectors and has long recognised and been instrumental in developing cultural programs locally for over 40 years.

National Park Estates (in this case World Heritage Area) are the last pristine tribal landscapes.  Building a positive future for Bama people to work on-country, taking care of these landscapes, is not only necessary but integral to moving forward with the best landcare options available.

Bama people are very proud of their ancestor’s stunning country and going forward, want to share the special nature places, experiences and activities with visitors from the tourism and education sectors.

10-year outcomes

The Wet Tropics Management Authority will ensure that by 2030:

Outcome 2 Rainforest Aboriginal People’s rights, interests, traditions and culture are embedded in World Heritage management and with aspirations for Traditional Owner-led management, livelihoods and wellbeing.